the link to my own blog ! It's like, where on earth did it go.
But I found it. (sigh of relief) and so here I am...Friday night...about to cut fabric and get to sewing...or possibly watch a movie and then go to bed. Maybe even read a book.
Im reading a book I picked up at the library 2 weeks ago...
Veganist by Kathy Freston
(here's the link from but if interested, you can find it at your local library or there is even a kindle edition-and am in no way promoting her book or affiliated with her or amazon in any way...just wanted to share it with you. you never know, you just may find it interesting too)
Veganist by Kathy Freston
Yep, Veganist. It's all about changing your lifestyle and attempting to go full on Vegan. Yeah, we went down that road for all of 2 weeks back 6 months ago or so. We weaned off meat and dairy products, and animal products for about a week and then went full on veggies, fruits, nuts, legumes...healthy for us meals. We all felt better, lost a few pounds, had more energy,didnt feel run down all the time. And then the big T arrived...;.Thanksgiving ! Turkey, dressing, gravy, rich desserts and more and we decided to go off our Veganist ways that day...which turned into another day (got to have leftovers) and then a week, a month, and so on. We have skipped out on dairy milk though. We only drink Soy milk. I prefer to drink chocolate soy milk but I cook with plain soy milk and the girls use vanilla soy milk in their cereal. We also splurge on this wonderful ice cream made from coconut milk that is just to die for.
Here is the ice cream that we love. And I just realized it comes in so many other flavors. It is so delicious. It has a coconutty taste, rich chocoloate, it's smooth and something about it reminds me of chocolate pudding pops. LOL. I get this from WalMart (it's cheaper there for this little pint, or whatever its called) but Im sure you can find it at most grocers. I know Trader Joes and Publix sell alot of products like this (if you have one of those shops in your area, we dont, but will soon) . Or you can click on the store finder tab on the website and see if this is sold in your area. It's awesome and definitely worth a try. I highly recommend it.

And we switched butter out for margarine made with flax seed oil and is non dairy, gluten free, cholesterol free and vegan. So a few things we still do. But I want to go back to full on Vegan...or as this book refers to...Veganist. And talks about taking small steps to getting rid of things in your diet one at a time until you are fully rid of all animal and animal by products (including honey...). So very interesting.
And I am also going back on some juicing. Yep, I did the juicing thing for about a month and lost like 30 lbs in that month...but that was back last spring and since then, guess where that 30 lbs are? Right back where they were before the juicing. LOL. oh well. It was good and I felt good but so hard to do. I was gonna go for 60 days but man, 30 days was hard enough and it wasnt full on all day juicing either...I ate dinner and juiced everything else all day long. Dinner time was too hard to sit there with my juice after having to cook dinner for the family. Breakfast and lunch were no time to eat breakfast anyways when trying to get the girls ready for school and im not a big cereal eater, so that was a plus. then the kids were at school all day, so lunch and snack, not a problem but then dinner got me.
Anyways, this post is so off subject, but then again not. As it's a day in the life of my SouthernBabies...which encompasses my 2 Southern girls, my southern life and my boutique SouthernBabies. so you never know what you may get over here. A patchwork blog is what it really is...a little of this, a little of that.
Tomorrow or this weekend, Im gonna post a review of a vegan Red , White and blue cake the girls and I are gonna make. Yep, it's vegan and has a cooked soy vanilla icing as well as fresh raspberries in the cake batter and fresh blueberries on top for garnish (got it out of a Vegan baking cook book I pickedup at the library as well.). So will let ya know how it turns out and will post photos as well...unless it turns out to be a big mess. LOL
Happy Friday !